Alleyway in low or middle income country

International development

Our work on international development studies labour markets, infrastructure, health and education systems and public finances in low and middle income countries. We use field experiments, survey and administrative data and theory to examine the effects of policies on individuals and firms as well as on aggregate outcomes.

Focus on


    Showing 81 – 100 of 409 results

    Publication graphic

    A survey of the Ghanaian tax system


    In this report, we provide a comprehensive overview of Ghana’s tax system. This is intended as a repository of key information for researchers, policymakers and the public, as well as highlighting aggregate patterns of note as a first step for identifying challenges and areas for reform.

    25 May 2021

    Publication graphic

    2019/20 survey of the Ethiopian tax system


    In this report, we provide a detailed overview of Ethiopia’s current tax system and the evolution of tax revenue collections over the last 10 years. The report also highlights important changes to the structure of the tax system which have occurred over the past few years, and the associated tax revenue implications.

    16 April 2021

    If you want to make permanent cuts to the aid budget, be honest about it


    It remains to be seen whether we will get back to spending 0.7 per cent of national income on overseas aid. My guess is that there are no serious plans to do so. If there are, then it is incumbent on government to tell us when and how that will happen and especially important to plan any big uplift carefully and well in advance.

    12 April 2021

    The UK’s reduction in aid spending


    In this briefing note, we review what this shift in policy means for overall aid spending, effective management of the aid budget, and the broader public finances.

    12 April 2021

    Presentation graphic

    Evidence on how to improve WASH infrastructure in Nigeria


    This webinar, co-organised by the Federal Ministry of Water Resources (FMWR), Covenant University (Nigeria), The World Bank, Royal Holloway University of London (RHUL, UK), and IFS, aimed to provide a platform for a deep dive on relevant evidence and lessons learnt from Nigeria and elsewhere to inform the Clean Nigeria Campaign.

    25 January 2021