
Government finances and spending

Our research covers a wide range of topics related to businesses and their investments, including firm productivity,

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Showing 1301 – 1320 of 2008 results

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An optimal tax system

Journal article

A notable feature and principal virtue of Tax by Design is its system-wide perspective on different elements of the tax system. This review essay builds on this trait and offers a more explicit foundation for the report's general approach, drawing on a distribution-neutral methodology that is developed in other work.

15 September 2011


Tax by design

Tax by Design presents a picture of coherent tax reform whose aim is to identify the characteristics of a good tax system.

13 September 2011

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Keynote presentations about the Mirrlees Review


This presentation was given on 27 May 2011 at a Keynote Panel on the Mirrlees Review convened as part of the Centre for Economic Policy Research's 2011 Public Policy Symposium, held in Zurich.

1 September 2011

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Reflections on Tax by Design

Journal article

This paper reviews Tax by Design. Comparisons are made with the earlier Meade Report and with recent tax reviews in Australia and New Zealand. Emphasis is given to the role of value judgements in tax design and the gulf between theory and practice.

1 September 2011

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CAYT growth seminar


CAYT researchers presented evidence on the link between young people's education and labour market choices and economic growth.

10 August 2011

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The changing composition of public spending


This analysis finds that the shape of the state today is very different from that of 30 years ago and, going forward, spending on health, pensions and long term care is set to rise fast.

10 August 2011

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Higher debt for decades?


The Office for Budget Responsibility's first 'Fiscal Sustainability Report' - published today - sets out some of the long-term challenges facing the UK's public finances. Demographic pressures alone could raise spending by £80 billion in today's terms by 2060, with a particularly striking increase required in health spending. Tax revenues, especially from oil and petrol, are also under pressure. Long term fiscal sustainability will require hard choices even after the unprecedented fiscal retrenchment planned for the next few years.

13 July 2011

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Hyping hypothecation: should green tax revenues be earmarked?


Today the Environmental Audit Committee published a report focusing on the implications of Budget 2011 for environmental taxes. One of the key recommendations was that in order to 'build trust and acceptance of environmental taxes', consideration should be given to 'greater use of at least partial hypothecation of revenues from environmental taxes [for environmental ends].' We argue that earmarking revenues in this way would be at best meaningless and at worst inefficient, and that a case for increased green taxes ought to be argued on its own merits.

7 July 2011

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Payment by results in early years provision


This document is a literature review commissioned by the Department for Education into the role for, and implications of, payment by results in public service delivery.

1 July 2011

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How could the government perform a gender impact assessment of tax and benefit changes?


The Equalities Act 2010 places an obligation on the government to give 'due consideration' to the effects of its policies on gender inequalities. The IFS was asked by the Fawcett society to consider ways in which our tax and benefit microsimulation model, TAXBEN could be used as part of an assessment of the separate impact of Budget measures on men and women. We have today published some simple analysis that does this.

23 June 2011