
Government finances and spending

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Showing 1021 – 1040 of 2008 results

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Scotland's fiscal position worsened in 2012–13 as North Sea revenues fell


Today, the Scottish Government published the latest version of its annual Government Expenditure and Revenues Scotland (GERS) publication. For the first time in 5 years GERS suggests that Scotland's net fiscal balance, or budget deficit, was worse than that of the UK as a whole even when allocating North Sea revenues to Scotland on an illustrative geographic basis. Until now these revenues have been enough to more than outweigh the higher public spending per head in Scotland than in the rest of the UK. But not in 2012–13.

12 March 2014

The Treasury

Budget 2014

After each Autumn Statement, Budget and Spending Review, we publish analysis of the Chancellor's proposals and reforms.

10 March 2014

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The next five years look better but tough fiscal choices remain for Scotland


The latest public finance forecasts published by the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) in December presented a better outlook for the UK than had been suggested by their March forecast. This is good news for the UK and Scotland in the short-term but much of the improved short-term outlook comes at the expense of reduced scope for economic recovery after 2018–19. Also the one area of greater weakness in the OBR’s latest forecast – revenues from oil and gas production – has substantially more adverse consequences for Scotland’s fiscal position than for the UK as a whole. In short, the new forecasts do little to diminish the tough choices that will face Scotland (and, to a lesser extent, the UK) if it is to achieve long-run fiscal sustainability.

4 March 2014

Journal graphic

Fiscal Challenges and Opportunities for an Independent Scotland

Journal article

This paper looks at some of the key fiscal questions related to Scottish independence, drawing on detailed analysis of household survey data, official data on public spending and revenues, and using a model of the UK and Scotland's public finances over the next half a century.

17 February 2014

Publication graphic

The public sector workforce: past, present and future


In this briefing note, we combine various data sources to provide for the first time a consistent picture on how the size and composition of the public sector workforce has changed over the past 50 years.

14 February 2014

Publication graphic

IFS Green Budget 2014


As Chancellor George Osborne prepares for his keynote statement on fiscal policy and the economy the IFS Green Budget assesses some of the issues he will have to deal with.

5 February 2014

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50p tax – strolling across the summit of the Laffer curve?


Ed Balls and Ed Milliband have cited recent HMRC statistics which show those paying the 50% income tax rate are estimated to have paid some £10 billion more in tax over the three years 2010-11 to 2012-13 than was projected to be the case back in 2012 when HMRC analysed how much the tax was raising. Is that an indication that the 50p rate was more successful in raising revenue than HMRC concluded in their analysis?

27 January 2014

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Serious discussion on how much to squeeze is needed


There needs to be serious political debate about how much of a squeeze, the balance between taxes and spending, and the choices within spending should be over the next 18 months. None of the choices will be easy.

7 January 2014

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The White Paper: tax and welfare


Two short analysis pieces on tax and welfare. This analysis is published by the BBC, who asked several experts to give a viewpoint on aspects of the Scottish government White Paper 'Scotland's Future'.

26 November 2013