
Government finances and spending

Our research covers a wide range of topics related to businesses and their investments, including firm productivity,

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Showing 661 – 680 of 2007 results

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School Funding Reform in England: a smaller step towards a more sensible system, will the final leap ever be made?


Last week, the Secretary of State for Education announced arrangements for school funding in England in 2018–19 and 2019–20. This confirmed additional annual funding of around £900m by 2019–20 (as compared with pre-election plans) and announced the amended plans for the national funding formula. Under these new proposals, the funding local authorities receive for schools will be linked to local area characteristics; however, a new national school-level formula will now not be in place until at least 2020–21. This is a smaller step than planned prior to the election – although still one in the right direction. The slower pace of reform and additional money also mean that schools losing out under previous plans will probably see their funding situation improve slightly. This observation describes the current system, why reform is needed and the likely effects of the latest proposals.

21 September 2017

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Tax policy analysis and capacity building in low- and middle-income countries


On 1st of September of 2017, Laura Abramovsky spoke at HMRC's International Tax Training Programme, a flagship programme run on behalf of the Commonwealth Association of Tax Administrators (CATA: http://www.catatax.org/). In this presentation, Laura introduces IFS' work to support evidence-based tax policy and administration design in the UK and in low- and middle-income countries.

1 September 2017

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Where next for tax and spend?


Following seven years of spending cuts following the financial crisis and associated record deficit, there is a growing call for the government to “end austerity”. Yet current plans imply more spending cuts as the government looks to reduce the deficit further. This observation – and an associated joint event with the Institute for Government – reflects on what ending austerity might mean in the context of the scale and shape of the planned fiscal tightening.

12 July 2017

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Where next for local government financial reform?


Last week’s Queen’s Speech inevitably focused on Brexit. A lot of the subsequent media coverage highlighted the Conservative manifesto pledges that were missing. But councils will have noticed another notable absence: a Local Government Finance Bill. With the 2016/17 Bill failing to pass before the election, where does this leave reforms to the local government finance system?

26 June 2017

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Response to government consultation on business rate retention


This is a response by David Phillips, an Associate Director at the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), to the government consultation “100% business rates retention: further consultation on the design of the reformed system”. The views and opinions expressed here are those of the author only. The IFS has no corporate views.

16 June 2017