
Government finances and spending

Our research covers a wide range of topics related to businesses and their investments, including firm productivity,

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Showing 621 – 640 of 2007 results

Working paper graphic

The impact of cuts to social care spending on the use of Accident and Emergency departments in England

Working Paper

Recent years have seen substantial reductions in public spending on social care for older people in England. This has not only led to large falls in the number of people over the age of 65 receiving publicly funded social care, but also to growing concern about the potential knock-on effects on other public services, and in particular the National Health Service (NHS).

14 June 2018

Publication graphic

Public spending on children in England: 2000 to 2020


This report provides new estimates of total spending by the government on children in England, including benefits, education spending,services for vulnerable children and healthcare. In the most recent year of data (2017–18), total spending was over £120 billion or over £10,000 per child under 18.

12 June 2018

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Using graduate earnings to assess universities


Research led by the Institute for Fiscal Studies, released by the Department for Education yesterday has highlighted the importance of university courses in determining graduates’ earnings. But what are the implications for government policy?

11 June 2018

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NHS funding increases and the public finances


Recent IFS work (joint with the Health Foundation) documented the considerable pressures on health and social care spending over the next fifteen years. In the near term, an announced funding settlement for the NHS covering the next few years may be on the horizon.

5 June 2018

Presentation graphic

A picture of business owners in administrative data


40% of the growth in the UK’s workforce since 2008 has come from people working for their own business. IFS researchers are using administrative tax records to learn more about the self-employed and company owner-managers, including their characteristics, how these groups have been changing in recent years and how they respond to the tax system.

4 June 2018

Presentation graphic

How do small business owners respond to the tax system?


40% of the growth in the UK’s workforce since 2008 has come from people working for their own business. IFS researchers are using administrative tax records to learn more about the self-employed and company owner-managers, including their characteristics, how these groups have been changing in recent years and how they respond to the tax system.

4 June 2018

Presentation graphic

Trends in profits of self employed sole traders: evidence from tax data


40% of the growth in the UK’s workforce since 2008 has come from people working for their own business. IFS researchers are using administrative tax records to learn more about the self-employed and company owner-managers, including their characteristics, how these groups have been changing in recent years and how they respond to the tax system.

4 June 2018

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Securing the future: funding health and social care to the 2030s


On 5 July this year the NHS will be 70. In all its 70 years it has rarely been far from the headlines. It has been through more than its fair share of reforms, crises and funding ups and downs. Over that period, the amount we spend on it has risen inexorably. Yet, today, concerns about the adequacy of funding are once again hitting the headlines, as the health and social care systems struggle to cope with growing demand.

24 May 2018

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Economic trends: council funding system faces overhaul


David Phillips and Neil Amin-Smith examine the plans for radical overhaul of the council funding system, explore the impact of the funding pilot on local authority spending and question whether it is creating fairer distribution of funds for local authorities.

21 May 2018

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Looking closely at business rates retention


A second round of councils began piloting so-called 100% rates retention this month. Neil Amin-Smith and David Phillips from the Institute for Fiscal Studies look at the financial implications of the pilots.

19 April 2018