Students walking in a place of education

Education and skills

Our work on Education and Skills aims to understand what matters for the healthy development of children, from infancy to young adulthood. It tracks education spending in various stages of education and assesses the effectiveness of government policies at improving children’s outcomes and inequalities therein.

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Showing 821 – 840 of 946 results

Journal graphic

Higher education funding

Journal article

Many readers are no doubt currently deciding whether or not to attend higher education.

1 September 2004

Working paper graphic

Can education compensate for low ability? Evidence from British data

Working Paper

This paper uses cross section data to investigate whether the returns to education vary with the level of ability. Using a measure of cognitive ability based on tests taken at ages 7 and 11 we find, unlike most of the existing literature, clear evidence that the return to schooling is lower for those with higher ability indicating that education can act as a substitute for observed ability.

9 August 2004

Publication graphic

Fine-tuning the HE reforms


The Higher Education (HE) Bill passed its third reading in the House of Commons on the 31st of March 2004. Here we suggest one way in which the implementation of the proposals can be simplified.

1 April 2004