Students walking in a place of education

Education and skills

Our work on Education and Skills aims to understand what matters for the healthy development of children, from infancy to young adulthood. It tracks education spending in various stages of education and assesses the effectiveness of government policies at improving children’s outcomes and inequalities therein.

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Showing 481 – 500 of 946 results

Article graphic

The crucial role of good evidence in evidence-based policymaking


In a time of continuing fiscal austerity, policymakers increasingly want to know ‘what works’ and for whom, in order to target scarce resources on those who will benefit most and to ensure that policy has the desired impact upon those it is designed for. Basing policy decisions on evidence is undoubtedly a good thing - but only if the evidence used is robust, unbiased and methodologically sound. This observation uses recent IFS work on the link between parents’ marital status and relationship stability and child development to illustrate the challenges of using research to inform policymaking.

25 October 2013

Article graphic

When should summer born children start school?


Calls have been made for more flexibility over when summer born children can start primary school in order to address differences in educational attainment. This follows IFS research showing that summer born children, on average, do significantly less well at school than other children. But our research also suggests a better policy response would be to provide age-adjusted test scores.

12 September 2013

Working paper graphic

Career progression, economic downturns, and skills

Working Paper

This paper analyses the career progression of skilled and unskilled workers with a focus on how careers are affected by economic downturns and whether formal skills, acquired early on, can shield workers from the effect of recessions.

30 August 2013

Journal graphic

Empirically probing the quantity–quality model

Journal article

This paper estimates the causal effects of family size on girls’ education in Mexico, exploiting prenatal son preference as a source of random variation in the propensity to have more children within an instrumental variables framework.

30 July 2013

Presentation graphic

School funding reform


This presentation was given at the IFS analysis of the government's Spending Review on 27 June 2013.

27 June 2013

Journal graphic

This Time Is Different: The Microeconomic Consequences of the Great Recession

Journal article

From an economic point of view, the period since the recession that began in 2008 has been quite unlike any other period since at least the Second World War, including the periods after the recessions of the early 1980s and early 1990s. Indeed, the slowdown has lasted for longer, and its effects on the public finances, on household incomes and on productivity have been more marked even than was the case in the 1930s. This time really does seem to be different.

12 June 2013

Presentation graphic

The National Pupil Database


Presentation given by Paul Sinclair of the Department for Education at the Workshop on Evaluating the Impact of Youth Programmes, 3rd June 2013

3 June 2013

Publication graphic

Teenage Pregnancy in England


This CAYT report provides new insights into the individual, school and area-level risk factors associated with teenage conceptions and the decision to continue with a pregnancy conditional on conceiving.

21 May 2013