Centre for the Microeconomic Analysis of Public Policy (CPP), 2015-2020

Showing 217 - 228 of 883 results

Working paper graphic

Community matters: heterogenous impacts of a sanitation intervention

Working Paper

We study the effectiveness of a community-level information intervention aimed at reducing open defecation (OD) and increasing sanitation investments in Nigeria. The results of a cluster-randomized control trial conducted in 247 communities between 2014 and 2018 suggest that average impacts are exiguous.

6 June 2019

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The effect of taxes and benefits on UK inequality


The tax and benefit system is a key tool for a government trying to reduce inequality. In this briefing note, we examine the effects that cash benefits and taxes had on UK inequality in 2016–17.

27 May 2019

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Lifetime gifting: reliefs, exemptions and behaviours


This research explored the prevalence of gifting in the general population and how it varied between different groups, based on a new quantitative survey was conducted with a representative sample of adults in Great Britain. The survey also explored the nature of gifting – including the number and value of gifts given, who they were given to, and the motivations for doing so – as well as awareness of inheritance tax rules and exemptions.

17 May 2019

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Localised council tax support schemes 6 years on


This month marks six years since councils were given responsibility for designing schemes that help low-income working-age households to pay their council tax, at the same time as central government funding for it was cut. In recently published research, we look at how schemes have changed, and with what effects.

16 April 2019

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Universal credit and its impact on household incomes: the long and the short of it


In this research we investigate who wins and loses from universal credit, and by how much. For the first time, we also look at the effects of universal credit on people’s incomes over eight years of their lives, rather than just at a point in time. This lets us look at the impact on those that are persistently, rather than temporarily, low income.

24 April 2019

Journal graphic

Why do retailers advertise store brands differently across product categories?

Journal article

We analyse a simple Hotelling model in which retailers and manufacturers endogenously advertise their respective brands; we account for the impact of advertising on retailer–manufacturer bargaining and downstream competition. The model predicts that retailers advertise their store brands less when advertising is more rivalrous.

22 March 2019

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Dragging people into higher rates of tax


This Saturday (6 April 2019) marks the start of a new tax year. Unlike many other countries, the UK routinely – and sensibly – uprates the cash values of most tax thresholds and benefit rates each year in line with inflation, in order to maintain their real value.

4 April 2019

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Racial and ethnic sentencing differentials in the federal criminal justice system

Journal article

We add to the debate by examining the robustness of racial/ethnic sentencing gaps, by gender, when allowing for selection on unobservables. We do so in the context of federal criminal cases, considering 250,000 cases, and using a dataset containing a rich set of covariates relating to defendant and legal characteristics of cases.

4 April 2019

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The gender pay gap: women work for lower-paying firms than men


Women work for less productive, lower-paying firms than men, our new analysis suggests - which may contribute to the gender pay gap. This difference between the kinds of firms that men and women work for opens up around the time women have children, when many switch to part-time work or start working closer to home.

3 April 2019