Centre for the Microeconomic Analysis of Public Policy (CPP), 2015-2020

Showing 205 - 216 of 883 results

Presentation graphic

Business rates and land value taxation


This presentation was given at a CIOT/IFS debate on 'Taxing commercial property – time to tweak business rates or replace with a land value tax?', held in London on 18 June 2019.

18 June 2019

Article graphic

Extra spending on education in England – the numbers explained


Almost all the candidates in the Conservative leadership election have promised higher levels of spending on education. With a Spending Review of some form due this year, we analyse the cost of potential commitments on schools and education spending.

18 June 2019

Council housing

Living standards, poverty and inequality in the UK: 2019


This report examines how living standards – most commonly measured by households’ incomes – have changed for different groups in the UK, and the consequences that these changes have for income inequality and for measures of deprivation and poverty. In this latest report, we focus in particular on those people who are poorest in society.

19 June 2019

Book graphic

Living standards and income inequality

Book Chapter
This chapter analyses trends in average incomes and income inequality between UK individuals. We also explore the determinants of trends in income growth and how they have evolved over time, on average and for different groups.

13 June 2019

Publication graphic

Sustainable Total Sanitation in Nigeria


In November 2018, Nigeria declared that its water supply, sanitation and hygiene sector was in crisis. This was partly prompted by the fact that the country has struggled to make progress towards ending open defecation. Almost one in four Nigerians – around 50 million people – defecates in open areas.

11 June 2019

Working paper graphic

Complementarities in the Production of Child Health

Working Paper

This paper estimates flexible child health production functions to investigate whether better water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) practices make nutrition intake more productive for children aged 6-24 months.

14 June 2019

Working paper graphic

Regression with an Imputed Dependent Variable

Working Paper

Researchers are often interested in the relationship between two variables, with no single data set containing both. For example, surveys on income and wealth are often missing consumption data.

24 June 2019

Working paper graphic

Why has in-work poverty risen in Britain?

Working Paper

Our new research examines the reason for the increased in-work relative poverty rate in Britain over the last 25 years, which has risen by almost 5 percentage points from 13% to 18%.

7 June 2019