

Showing 81 – 100 of 211 results

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Teacher quality and learning outcomes in kindergarten

Journal article

We assigned two cohorts of kindergarten students, totaling more than 24,000 children, to teachers within schools with a rule that is as good as random. We collected data on children at the beginning of the school year and applied 12 tests of math, language, and executive function (EF) at the end of the year.

21 March 2016

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Workforce quality in the public sector

Event 19 February 2016 at 09:30 <p>7 Ridgmount Street<br />London<br />WC1E 7AE</p>
This workshop draws together recent innovative research on the measurement of public sector workforce quality and of the effect of pay on quality and of quality on outcomes in different parts of the public sector. The workshop will be of interest not just to economists interested in the labour market and in public finance, but also to practitioners working in the field of pay-setting, pay regulation, and public policy.
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Non-cognitive skill formation in poor neighbourhoods of urban India

Journal article

We examine the impact of a long-term programme designed to raise non-cognitive skills of children and adolescents in slums in Bombay. We use a cross-cutting design with two comparison groups of peers for young adults who have attended the programme until leaving high school to analyse whether, compared to those from a similar environment and background, enrolment in the programme demonstrably raises such skills. We find evidence of substantial impacts on both self-esteem and self-efficacy (of about one standard deviation), as well as evidence of a smaller impact on life evaluation and aspirations.

23 December 2015

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School funding reform


Presented at the IFS Post-Spending Review/Autumn Statement Analysis on 26 November, 2015.

26 November 2015

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English schools will feel the pinch over the next five years


Like the NHS, day-to-day spending on schools was protected from cuts in the last parliament and the new Conservative government has announced protections for schools spending in this parliament too. However, rising costs mean that schools are likely to face real-terms cuts on spending per pupil for first time since the mid-1990s. Although the cuts are likely to be smaller than those seen across other areas of government spending, these will leave schools facing significant challenges over the next five years.

21 October 2015

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Education spending: what are the parties planning to protect?


The Liberal Democrats' manifesto highlights a commitment to protect education spending per pupil in England for 2–19 year-olds in real terms. Labour and the Conservatives have also announced protections for education spending in England. In this Observation, we analyse the implications of these different protections for how schools and education spending will evolve over the next parliament.

15 April 2015

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Teaching teenagers in finance: Does it work?

Journal article

Many initiatives worldwide aim at improving financial literacy through targeted education programs, yet there is little evidence regarding their effectiveness. The authors examine here the impact of a short financial education program on teenagers in German high schools.

19 December 2014

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Private education wins higher salaries for young graduates


This article for 'The Conversation' suggests that three and a half years after finishing university, graduates who attended private schools earn an average of 7% more per year than graduates who went to state school.

30 October 2014