
This page gathers together work from IFS researchers on pay, including in the public and private sectors


Showing 121 – 140 of 406 results

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What has been happening to career progression?


Interest in the issue of career progression has been growing, fuelled by a decade of stagnant productivity and pay growth (even before the COVID-19 crisis) and concerns that changes in the labour market – such as the casualisation of work in the gig economy – are making it harder for some groups to progress.

31 July 2020

The effects of coronavirus on household finances and financial distress


In this report, we use a novel source of real-time data on households’ finances from Money Dashboard, a budgeting app, to explore the impacts of the crisis so far on earnings, incomes and financial distress, and how they are evolving. We complement this with household survey data to explain and verify the key trends.

29 June 2020

Council housing

Living standards, poverty and inequality in the UK: 2020


This report examines how living standards – most commonly measured by households’ incomes – were changing in the UK up to approximately the eve of the current COVID-19 crisis, using the latest official household income data covering years up to 2018–19.

25 June 2020

Differences between key workers

We analyse how key workers in different sectors differ in terms of their demographics and their working conditions.

23 April 2020

A bad time to graduate

One group which is going to find the next months and years especially difficult are those entering the labour market this year.

17 April 2020

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Living standards, poverty and inequality: summary of the latest data, for 2018–19


The public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to reduce household incomes as workers lose their jobs, earnings fall, and plummeting share prices and interest rates lead to lower incomes from savings and investments. Newly released official statistics on incomes and poverty in the UK in 2018–19, published by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), show this downturn will come after a sustained period of income stagnation in the latter half of the last decade – which itself followed only a brief recovery from the late 2000s recession.

26 March 2020

Hospital workers putting on PPE

Key workers: key facts and questions


In this observation, we set out some of the most important facts about key workers to help inform the evolving policy response to COVID-19.

20 March 2020

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Public sector pay and employment: where are we now?


Employing public sector workers to help deliver public services is a major part of what government does. The number of workers employed by the government and how much they are paid matters not just for those individuals and their families, but also for the public finances and for the public services those employees help provide.

19 November 2019

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The future path of minimum wages


Minimum wages can play an important role in raising living standards, and have become an important part of a government’s toolkit in addressing low pay.

15 November 2019