Marriage, partnership and cohabitation

    Marriage, partnership and cohabitation

    Showing 1 – 20 of 92 results

    Child playing with blocks

    Families and inequalities

    Families play a key role in nurturing, socialising and supporting children. Britain has seen marked changes in partnership and parenting behaviours.

    28 July 2022

    Busy office

    Women and men at work

    We look at the differences between men and women in all activities that can be labelled as ‘work’.

    6 December 2021

    IFS WP2021/32 Feed the children

    Feed the children

    Working Paper
    We conduct an experiment to understand the household decision-making process regarding food expenditures for children in poor households in Nairobi.

    5 October 2021

    Journal graphic

    International differences in interspousal health correlations

    Journal article

    Using objective measures of lung function, we document strong positive associations in health within couples in all European countries but large and significant differences in this correlation within broad European regions, with Southern Europe having by far stronger correlations than elsewhere.

    1 May 2021