Living standards

Living standards

Showing 61 – 80 of 632 results

An image of a street full of boarded up houses

Challenges for levelling up

Event 4 February 2022 at 10:00
At this event, IFS researchers will put the Levelling Up White Paper in context by outlining the current pattern of taxes and public spending around the country and presenting new work that looks at geographic inequalities in labour market outcomes.
Train line

Challenges for levelling up


At this event, IFS researchers put the Levelling Up White Paper in context by outlining the current pattern of taxes and public spending around the country and presenting new work that looks at geographic inequalities in labour market outcomes.

4 February 2022

Electricity meter

The cost of living crunch

We examine the rising cost of living, its impacts on different kinds of households, and the mitigation measures available to the government.

12 January 2022


What's the impact of trade on inequality?


The growth of international trade has had profound effects on the labour markets and even the politics of high-income countries. This online event focused on what economists have learned about how trade affects inequality in rich countries over the past two decades.

17 November 2021

Presentation graphic

What's wrong with inequality?


At this event, our speakers presented new work undertaken for the ground-breaking IFS Deaton Review of Inequalities, funded by the Nuffield Foundation, examining people’s attitudes towards inequalities and how these fit with different traditions of philosophical thought on the topic.

23 September 2021

A Focus group

Attitudes to inequalities

Perceptions of the extent and causes of inequalities are vitally important to the functioning of societies, economies and politics.

23 September 2021

Presentation graphic

Major economic challenges: Demographics


This is the third in a series of online events looking in detail at the three major economic challenges identified by the Tirole-Blanchard Commission, featuring presentations by Axel Börsch-Supan, Claudia Diehl, and Carol Propper.

22 September 2021


Why do wealthy parents have wealthy children?


At this event, IFS researchers presented the key findings from their latest report on "Why do wealthy parents have wealthy children?", funded by the Economic and Social Research Council.

8 September 2021