Human capital

Human capital

Showing 81 – 100 of 297 results

Presentation graphic

The Anatomy of the Wage Distribution: How do Gender and Immigration Matter?


This presentation was given at the Barcelona GSE Summer Forum on Structural Microeconometrics (20-21 June, 2016), the 1st Rome Junior Conference on Applied Microeconomics Rome (23-24 June, 2016) and the Society for Economic Dynamics Annual Meeting in Toulouse (30 June-2 July, 2016).

11 July 2016

Journal graphic

Domestic Effects of Offshoring High-skilled Jobs: Complementarities in Knowledge Production

Journal article

We provide evidence on how changes in the use of high-skilled workers (inventors) in a foreign location affect a firm's domestic use of the same type of worker. We exploit rich data that provide variation in the location of inventors within multinational firms across industries and countries to control for confounding firm–time and industry factors. We find that a 10% increase in the use of foreign inventors leads to a 1.9% increase in the use of domestic inventors. Our results suggest that foreign and domestic inventors are complementary in the production of knowledge.

19 June 2016

Article graphic

Early childhood development policies: The evidence and the research agenda


The importance of investment in children’s pre-school years for their later life outcomes is increasingly recognised by policymakers. This column surveys the evidence on early childhood development policies in both developed and developing countries. Research suggests that effective education programmes can be implemented at scale even in low-income settings, but the quality of the service and adapting it to the local context are crucial. Sustaining the gains from intervention in the ‘early years’ is also likely to require continuing investment at later stages of childhood.

10 June 2016

Event graphic

The early years: child well-being and the role of public policy

Event 9 June 2016 at 10:00 <p>10-11 Carlton House Terrace, London, SW1Y 5AH</p>
The "The early years: child well-being and the role of public policy" conference will be held on 9 and 10 June 2016 at the British Academy. The focus of the conference will be on lessons that can be learned from the literature on the early years, their long term consequences, and the potential role for policy.
Journal graphic

Impacts of Immigration on an Ageing Welfare State: An Applied General Equilibrium Model for France

Journal article

Immigration is often seen as an instrument of adaptation for ageing countries. In this paper, we evaluate, using a dynamic general equilibrium model, the contribution of migration policy in reducing the tax burden associated with the ageing population in France. Four alternative scenarios, compared with a baseline scenario based on official projections, are simulated with the aim of quantifying the effects of immigration on French social protection finances. We show that the age and, to a lesser extent, the skill structure of immigrants are the key features that mainly determine the effects on social protection finances. Overall, these effects are all the more positive in the short to medium term if the migration policy is selective (in favour of more skilled workers). In the long term, the beneficial effects of a selective policy may disappear. But whatever the degree of selectivity of the migration policy, the financial gains from higher consequent migration flows are relatively moderate compared with the demographic changes implied by ageing.

6 June 2016

Journal graphic

Teacher quality and learning outcomes in kindergarten

Journal article

We assigned two cohorts of kindergarten students, totaling more than 24,000 children, to teachers within schools with a rule that is as good as random. We collected data on children at the beginning of the school year and applied 12 tests of math, language, and executive function (EF) at the end of the year.

21 March 2016

Presentation graphic

Early childhood development


This presenatation was prepared for the IFS public economics lectures, held in London on 7 January 2016.

26 February 2016

Event graphic

Workforce quality in the public sector

Event 19 February 2016 at 09:30 <p>7 Ridgmount Street<br />London<br />WC1E 7AE</p>
This workshop draws together recent innovative research on the measurement of public sector workforce quality and of the effect of pay on quality and of quality on outcomes in different parts of the public sector. The workshop will be of interest not just to economists interested in the labour market and in public finance, but also to practitioners working in the field of pay-setting, pay regulation, and public policy.
Working paper graphic

Female labour supply, human capital and welfare reform

Working Paper

We estimate a dynamic model of employment, human capital accumulation - including education, and savings for women in the UK, exploiting tax and benefit reforms, and use it to analyze the effects of welfare policy.

19 February 2016

Presentation graphic

School funding reform


Presented at the IFS Post-Spending Review/Autumn Statement Analysis on 26 November, 2015.

26 November 2015

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English schools will feel the pinch over the next five years


Like the NHS, day-to-day spending on schools was protected from cuts in the last parliament and the new Conservative government has announced protections for schools spending in this parliament too. However, rising costs mean that schools are likely to face real-terms cuts on spending per pupil for first time since the mid-1990s. Although the cuts are likely to be smaller than those seen across other areas of government spending, these will leave schools facing significant challenges over the next five years.

21 October 2015

Working paper graphic

Group size and the efficiency of informal risk sharing

Working Paper

The objective of this paper is to understand and test empirically the relationship between group size and informal risk sharing. Models of informal risk sharing with limited commitment and grim-trigger punishments upon deviation imply that larger groups provide better informal insurance.

16 October 2015