

Showing 161 – 180 of 718 results

Working paper graphic

Causal impact of masks, policies, behavior on early COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S.

Working Paper

This paper evaluates the dynamic impact of various policies, such as school, business, and restaurant closures, adopted by the US states on the growth rates of confirmed Covid-19 cases and social distancing behavior measured by Google Mobility Reports, where we take into consideration of people’s voluntarily behavioral response to new information of transmission risks.

28 May 2020

Working paper graphic

Macroeconomic conditions and health in Britain: aggregation, dynamics and local area heterogeneity

Working Paper

Whether population health improves or worsens with changes in macroeconomic conditions is a long-standing question. Despite a substantial literature there is no clear consensus on the answer. Some studies find evidence that recessions are good for population health (i.e. poor health is pro-cyclical), while other studies find that health worsens in response to bad economic times (i.e. poor health is counter-cyclical). In addition, results for various health outcomes differ.

14 April 2020

The wider impacts of the coronavirus pandemic on the NHS


The coronavirus pandemic will have huge impacts on the National Health Service (NHS). Patients suffering from the illness are placing unprecedented demands on acute care, particularly on intensive care units (ICUs). This has led to an effort to dramatically increase the resources available to NHS hospitals in treating these patients, involving reorganisation of hospital facilities, redeployment of existing staff and a drive to bring in recently retired and newly graduated staff to fight the pandemic.

9 April 2020

Working paper graphic

When will the Covid-19 pandemic peak?

Working Paper

We carry out some analysis of the daily data on the number of new cases and number of new deaths by (191) countries as reported to the European CDC.

6 April 2020

Challenges of adopting coronavirus precautions in low-income countries


With no vaccination available, scientists recommend non-pharmaceutical interventions – in particular, handwashing, social distancing, and the shielding of elderly and vulnerable groups – as the only feasible way of suppressing the spread of COVID-19, and lessening its mortality rate. Such measures, when extensively and strictly enforced, appear to have been effective in stemming the spread of the virus in South Korea and China, and there are promising early signs of their effectiveness in Italy too.

30 March 2020

Journal graphic

Prenatal and Infancy Nurse Home Visiting Effects on Mothers: 18-Year Follow-up of a Randomized Trial

Journal article

We conducted an 18-year follow-up of 618 out of 742 low-income, primarily AfricanAmerican mothers with no previous live births enrolled in an randomized clinical trial of prenatal and infancy home visiting by nurses. We compared nurse-visited and control-group women for public-benefit costs, rates of substance abuse and depression, and examined possible mediators of intervention effects.

1 December 2019

Publication graphic

Recent trends in independent sector provision of NHS-funded elective hospital care in England


Ahead of the upcoming General Election, there has again been extensive discussion about the role that the private sector plays within the National Health Service (NHS). Labour has vowed to ‘end and reverse privatisation in the NHS in the next parliament’, signalling an ambition to end – or at least significantly reduce – the role played by private providers in treating NHS-funded patients.

22 November 2019

Article graphic

Labour’s NHS spending plans


The Labour party has today announced their commitments for NHS spending over the next four years if they were to win the 2019 general election. These plans imply day-to-day NHS spending in England that is more generous than current government plans. This announcement also covers all parts of the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) budget in England – including money for frontline day-to-day spending, other day-to-day spending and capital spending. We set out below the details of each of these in turn.

13 November 2019