Fiscal rules and frameworks

Fiscal rules and frameworks

Showing 61 – 80 of 630 results

Event graphic

Redesigning tax: Can we fix the treatment of business owners' incomes and investment?

Event 26 January 2021 at 14:00 <p>Please see above for details on how to watch this event online.</p>
At this event, we discussed findings from a new report, funded by the Nuffield Foundation, which sets out the problems with the current tax treatment of business owners’ incomes and investment and discusses how the government could take practical steps towards fixing them.
Article graphic

What to look out for in the 2020 Spending Review


The 2020 Spending Review, due to conclude on 25 November, will not be the comprehensive, multi-year review we were originally promised. Instead, the Chancellor has decided to set plans for 2021−22 only – a sensible decision in the circumstances. But while this Spending Review might be more short-term in its nature than usual, it will still contain important announcements.

17 November 2020

Managing much-elevated public debt

Book Chapter
The COVID-19 crisis has pushed up government borrowing substantially, meaning that the Debt Management Office will need to sell a much larger value of gilts than normal. In our central scenario, we forecast the total amount to exceed £1.5 trillion, more than double the Budget forecast in March. While there is tremendous uncertainty around this figure, the total value will easily be the highest in recent history outside of the two world wars.

13 October 2020

COVID pandemic signs

IFS Green Budget 2020

The IFS Green Budget 2020, in association with Citi and with funding from the Nuffield Foundation.

13 October 2020

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Conservatives and Labour happy to borrow to invest, but their commitments to run a surplus on the current budget leaves little room for further net giveaways


The Chancellor and Shadow Chancellor have both outlined the fiscal targets that they would seek to adhere to. Mr Javid has chosen to adopt a forward-looking rolling target aimed at current budget balance. In other words, day-to-day spending could not exceed total revenues. This is very similar in nature to Mr McDonnell’s longstanding current budget target.

8 November 2019

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Fiscal targets and policy: which way next?

Book Chapter
The fiscal targets bequeathed by former chancellor Philip Hammond all expire during the current forecast period. Moreover, the government has stated that it wants to keep open the possibility of a ‘no deal’ Brexit and, should this occur, it would require an important decision on how fiscal policy should adjust both in the near and long term. These two issues interact since any new fiscal targets ought to be carefully designed so that they are robust to plausible scenarios for the UK economy, not least around Brexit.

8 October 2019

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IFS Green Budget 2019


The IFS Green Budget 2019, in association with Citi and the Nuffield Foundation, is edited by Carl Emmerson, Christine Farquharson and Paul Johnson, and copy-edited by Judith Payne. The report looks at the issues and challenges facing Chancellor Sajid Javid as he prepares for his first Budget.

8 October 2019

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Spending review 2019: Deal or no deal


This Wednesday the Chancellor will allocate funding to departments for the next financial year, 2020-2021. This departmental spending (DEL) is £375 billion this year.

2 September 2019

Journal graphic

Fiscal Rules and Government Financing Costs

Journal article

This paper assesses the effect of fiscal rules on sovereign bond spreads over the short and medium term, for 34 advanced countries and 19 emerging market economies, over the period 1980–2016.

7 March 2019

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The outlook for the 2019 Spending Review


The Chancellor is yet to confirm how much money will be made available to departments at the 2019 Spending Review. To meet his promise to end austerity, Phillip Hammond will need to find billions of extra funding.

11 February 2019