

Showing 21 – 40 of 113 results

Skyline of London

Firms, market power, innovation and inequality

Event 3 March 2022 at 09:30
Firms are at the centre of our economy: they make the things we buy, set prices, invent new things and provide jobs. They also differ widely in their size, their productivity, their innovativeness, and the wages and conditions they offer. This event will address a number of key questions regarding firms and inequality.
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Firm Characteristics and Health

Book Chapter
We study the relationship between health and firm characteristics, primarily ownership using administrative data from Hungary.

25 June 2021

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Labor income, health status, and healthcare spending

Book Chapter
We examine geographic and income-related inequalities in health and healthcare spending and the relationship between these two dimensions of inequality using administrative data from Hungary.

25 June 2021

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Inequality of mortality and morbidity by income

Book Chapter
We use the comprehensive national individual-level mortality registers administrative data, and settlement-level and microregion-level administrative data on population characteristics and income to examine inequalities in Hungary during the 2011–2016 period in mortality rates, life expectancy, and morbidity.

25 June 2021

An image of someone operating an angle grinder

The productivity problem

In this episode, we ask why is a high-tech, developed economy like the UK struggling to be more productive?

24 March 2021

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Principles and practice of taxing small business

Book Chapter
The UK taxes business income at much lower rates than employment income. In this chapter we describe the problems caused by that differentiation and assess the main arguments used to defend it. We summarise the Mirrlees Review’s proposals for radical reform that would align tax rates across legal forms while protecting incentives to save and invest. Finally, we consider the obstacles to implementing such a radical reform and suggest an approach to making progress in practice.

15 October 2020

Stock market crash

The impact of COVID-19 on share prices in the UK


The spread of COVID-19, and international measures to contain it, are having a major impact on economic activity in the UK. In this observation we describe how this impact has varied across industries using data on share prices of firms listed on the London Stock Exchange, and how well targeted government support for workers and companies is in light of this.

27 March 2020

Working paper graphic

Principles and practice of taxing small business

Working Paper

The UK taxes business income at much lower rates than employment income. In this paper we describe the problems caused by that differentiation and assess the main arguments used to defend it. We summarise the Mirrlees Review’s proposals for radical reform that would align tax rates across legal forms while protecting incentives to save and invest. Finally, we consider the obstacles to implementing such a radical reform and suggest an approach to making progress in practice.

10 December 2019

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Taxation and Supplier Networks: Evidence from India

Working Paper

Do tax systems distort firm-to-firm trade? Using data from both firms that do and don’t pay VAT in West Bengal in India, this paper shows that they can have significant effects, contributing to highly segmented supply chain networks.

20 August 2019

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Who are business owners and what are they doing?


Business owners have been the fastest-growing part of the UK labour force since at least 2000. Between 2000–01 and 2015–16, the number of employees grew by 15%, while self-employment (including those operating as a sole trader or as a partner in a partnership) grew by 25% and the number of directors of companies with at most two directors more than doubled. The number of new businesses created in the UK between 2007–08 and 2015–16 was higher than in any other OECD country.

9 July 2019