Showing 81 – 100 of 226 results


Could NHS waiting lists really reach 13 million?


This observation looks at how the numbers in England on the NHS waiting list changed before and during the pandemic and discusses the key factors that will affect how much they will grow in the near future.

8 August 2021

Working paper graphic

Who should get vaccinated? Individualized allocation of vaccines over SIR network

Working Paper

How to allocate vaccines over heterogeneous individuals is one of the important policy decisions in pandemic times. This paper develops a procedure to estimate an individualized vaccine allocation policy under limited supply, exploiting social network data containing individual demographic characteristics and health status.

20 July 2021

The labour market during the pandemic

Book Chapter
In this pre-released chapter from our annual flagship report on living standards, poverty and inequality, we look at the impact the pandemic has had on the labour market.

5 July 2021

A shock to come at the end of furlough?


The unwinding of the furlough scheme represents a step towards ‘normality’ in the labour market, but it also will mean big income losses for many of those who end up unemployed unless they are swiftly able to find alternative employment. In this observation we discuss the kind of support available for such workers via other programmes, and what sort of hit to their income they might see if they do lose their jobs.

30 June 2021

An image of an empty hospital bed

Can the NHS recover from COVID?

In this episode we ask what challenges will the NHS face in the future, and what can the government do to help?

2 June 2021

Publication graphic

A survey of the Ghanaian tax system


In this report, we provide a comprehensive overview of Ghana’s tax system. This is intended as a repository of key information for researchers, policymakers and the public, as well as highlighting aggregate patterns of note as a first step for identifying challenges and areas for reform.

25 May 2021

The government has addressed most of the short-term COVID-19 financial pressures facing English councils, but problems loom in 2022-23 and beyond


The COVID-19 crisis has both created billions of pounds of new costs for and demands on councils’ budgets and has hit many of their sources of income. We find that across the sector as a whole, the government has largely addressed forecast pressures in 2020-21. However, financial pressures have been, and will continue to be, uneven across councils. As a result, underlying the aggregate picture, many councils still face at least some shortfall this year – particularly among shire districts.

19 March 2021

An image of a sunny country road

Budget 2021: the road to recovery?

In this episode, we explore what the Chancellor should be thinking about as he prepares his first Budget since the UK entered a series of lockdowns.

24 February 2021