Childcare and early years

Childcare and early years

Showing 21 – 40 of 338 results

A photo of empty desks in a classroom

Education spending: the right priorities?

Event 12 December 2022 at 13:00
This event, taking place online and in Westminster, launched the 2022 IFS Annual Report on Education Spending, funded by the Nuffield Foundation.
Child playing with blocks

Families and inequalities

Families play a key role in nurturing, socialising and supporting children. Britain has seen marked changes in partnership and parenting behaviours.

28 July 2022

An image of a child playing with a toy

Early childhood inequalities

Event 23 June 2022 at 11:00
Inequalities between children in these domains open up very early in life. At this online event we will discuss a number of questions. How large is the variation in early child development and in the environments that young children are raised in? What are the most important features of children’s early environment for their development?
Child playing with paint

Early childhood inequalities


The environment that children are raised in, and their development of cognitive, and social and emotional skills affect the subsequent trajectory of their lives. Inequalities between children in these domains open up very early in life.

23 June 2022

Child playing with paint

Early childhood inequalities


Through the lottery of birth, children are born into different socio-economic circumstances and grow up in environments that are remarkably different from each other. This report looks at inequalities in early childhood in the UK.

23 June 2022

Children playing

How can we fix the childcare system?

With headlines about underfunding and staff shortages dominating the airwaves, we explore how to fix the childcare system and how to fund it.

16 June 2022

Kids in childcare

The changing cost of childcare


We discuss how the cost of childcare has changed over time, and how it varies across the country and between different types of families.

20 May 2022