A crowded street

Working papers

Our IFS working paper series publishes academic papers by staff and IFS associates.

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Showing 481 – 500 of 1819 results

Working paper graphic

An adaptive test of stochastic monotonicity

Working Paper

We propose a new nonparametric test of stochastic monotonicity which adapts to the unknown smoothness of the conditional distribution of interest, possesses desirable asymptotic properties, is conceptually easy to implement, and computationally attractive.

3 April 2018

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Saving lives by tying hands: the unexpected effects of constraining health care providers

Working Paper

The emergency department (ED) is a complex node of healthcare delivery that is facing market and regulatory pressure across developed economies to reduce wait times. In this paper we study how ED doctors respond to such incentives, by focusing on a landmark policy in England that imposed strong incentives to treat ED patients within four hours.

29 March 2018

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Redistribution via VAT and cash transfers: an assessment in four low and middle income countries

Working Paper

As in high-income countries, reduced rates of VAT and VAT exemptions (“preferential VAT rates”) are a common feature of indirect tax systems in LMICs. Many of the goods and services that are granted preferential rates – such as foodstuffs and kerosene – seem likely to receive such treatment on the grounds that they provide a means for the government to indirectly target poorer households, for whom such expenditures may take up a large proportion of their total budget.

23 March 2018

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Network and panel quantile effects via distribution regression

Working Paper

This paper provides a method to construct simultaneous con dfience bands for quantile functions and quantile effects in nonlinear network and panel models with unobserved two-way effects, strictly exogenous covariates, and possibly discrete outcome variables.

22 March 2018

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Testing continuity of a density via g -order statistics in the regression discontinuity design

Working Paper

In the regression discontinuity design (RDD), it is common practice to assess the credibility of the design by testing the continuity of the density of the running variable at the cut-off, e.g., McCrary (2008). In this paper we propose a new test for continuity of a density at a point based on the so-called g-order statistics, and study its properties under a novel asymptotic framework.

21 March 2018

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Identifying the effect of persuasion

Working Paper

We set up an econometric model of persuasion and study identification of key parameters under various scenarios of data availability.

19 March 2018

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Policy discontinuity and duration outcomes

Working Paper

Causal effects of a policy change on the hazard rates of a duration outcome variable are not identified from a comparison of spells before and after the policy change when there is unobserved heterogeneity in the effects and no model structure is imposed.

14 March 2018

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The determinants of local police spending

Working Paper

Since 1995, police forces in England and Wales have obtained the right to raise revenues locally to supplement central government grants in order to fund their activities.

5 March 2018

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A lattice test for additive separability

Working Paper

We derive necessary and sufficient conditions for a fi nite data set of price and demand observations to be consistent with an additively separable preference.

5 March 2018

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Recovering social networks from panel data: identification, simulations and an application

Working Paper

It is almost self-evident that social interactions can determine economic behavior and outcomes. Yet, information on social ties does not exist in most publicly available and widely used datasets. We present methods to recover information on the entire structure of social networks from observational panel data that contains no information on social ties between individuals.

2 March 2018

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Climate change and agriculture: farmer adaptation to extreme heat

Working Paper

This paper examines how farmers adapt, in the short-run, to extreme heat. Using a production function approach and micro-data from Peruvian households, we find that high temperatures induce farmers to increase the use of inputs, such as land and domestic labor.

23 February 2018