A crowded street


Reports draw on our expertise and original research findings to take an in-depth look at issues relevant to government policy.

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Showing 941 – 960 of 1348 results

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The UK public finances: ready for recession?


This note looks at a couple of key indicators of the health of the public finances in historical and international perspective to assess whether the public finances are stronger or weaker now than they were at the outset of the last recession in 1990 and when Labour came to power in 1997.

31 October 2008

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Education and wages in Brazil


This paper investigates the puzzling evidence on wages and educational attainment observed in Brazil in the 1990s.

29 September 2008

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Poverty and Inequality in the UK: 2008


In this Commentary, we assess the changes to average incomes, inequality and poverty that have occurred under the first 10 years of the Labour government.

11 June 2008

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Level playing field? The implications of school funding


This report examines how overall levels of public spending on education and schools in the UK have evolved in recent years, how the English school funding system allocates money to individual schools and the extent to which the school funding system is redistributive.

10 June 2008

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Migration and the equilibrium prevalence of infectious diseases


This paper models how migration both influences and responds to differences in disease prevalence between cities, regions and countries, and show how the possibility of migration away from high-prevalence areas affects long-run steady state disease prevalence.

5 June 2008

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The 10% tax rate: where next?


This notes looks at the impact on families of recent changes to the tax system, including the abolition of the 10% tax rate.

21 May 2008

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Empowering parents to improve education: evidence from rural Mexico


This paper evaluates AGEs (Apoyo a la Gestion Escolar or School Management Support) and examines whether the increased parental participation that they brought about helped to create a more conducive learning environment and improve students' learning outcomes.

1 April 2008