A crowded street


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Showing 921 – 940 of 1348 results

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Budget 2009: tightening the squeeze?


The outlook for the public finances appears significantly weaker than the Treasury predicted in the November 2008 Pre-Budget Report (PBR). This Briefing Note sets out illustrative projections for the outlook for government borrowing and debt over the next few years.

6 April 2009

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Micro-simulating child poverty in 2010 and 2020


The 2008 Pre-Budget Report (PBR) said that 'the Government will take stock of progress towards its 2010 and 2020 child poverty target in the [2009] Budget'. As background to that exercise, this paper updates our previous analysis of the prospects for child poverty in the UK in 2010-11 and 2020-21.

18 February 2009

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The IFS Green Budget: January 2009


The Green Budget argues that 20 billion pounds of further tax increases or spending cuts may be needed by the end of the next Parliament if the public finances are to improve as the Treasury hoped in last year's Pre-Budget Report.

28 January 2009