Stuart Adam: all content

Showing 61 – 80 of 329 results

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How should platforms and gig economy workers be taxed?


The ‘gig economy’ has grown and risen up the policy agenda in recent years. The associated growth in people working through their own businesses and in work happening through platforms highlights difficult questions about when to have boundaries in the tax system and where to put them.

23 June 2021

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Scottish tax, benefits and public spending - what's happened and what do the parties propose?


For the first time, and co-funded by the Scottish Policy Foundation, the Institute for Fiscal Studies published a range of Scottish Election Briefing Notes on tax, benefits and public spending, and the parties plans for the coming parliamentary term. We presented the main findings of our analysis ahead of the election at a live webinar, in partnership with the University of Glasgow.

26 April 2021

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Spring Budget 2021: IFS analysis


IFS researchers presented their initial analysis of the Chancellor's announcements on the public finances, spending on public services, and the tax and the benefit system on Thursday 4 March at an online briefing.

4 March 2021

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Reform to recover


The tax system discourages employment, investment and risk-taking. It needs reform, say Stuart Adam and Helen Miller.

25 February 2021

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Redesigning tax: Can we fix the treatment of business owners' incomes and investment?

Event 26 January 2021 at 14:00 <p>Please see above for details on how to watch this event online.</p>
At this event, we discussed findings from a new report, funded by the Nuffield Foundation, which sets out the problems with the current tax treatment of business owners’ incomes and investment and discusses how the government could take practical steps towards fixing them.
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The economics of a wealth tax


This paper asks when a wealth tax would in principle be a desirable part of the tax system, setting aside the practicalities and politics that would be crucial in reality.

3 November 2020