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Online appendix for IFS working paper W10/16


Online appendix for IFS working paper W10/16, 'Explaining the socio-economic gradient in child outcomes: the intergenerational transmission of cognitive skills'.

16 September 2010

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Poverty and inequality in the UK: 2010


In this Commentary, we assess the changes to average incomes, inequality and poverty that have occurred since 1979, with a particular focus on the changes that have occurred in the latest year of data (2008-09) and since 1996-97.

21 May 2010

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Welfare reform and the minimum wage


This Briefing Note reviews developments in welfare policy under the current government and analyses the manifesto proposals of the three main political parties in this policy area.

21 April 2010

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Have the poor got poorer under Labour?


One of David Cameron's key themes in his speech to the Conservative Party conference was that Labour has "made the poorest poorer", "left youth unemployment higher" and "made inequality greater". How fair are these accusations?

13 October 2009

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Forecasting child poverty in 2010 and 2020

Event 18 February 2009 at 10:30 <p>7 Ridgmount Street<br />London<br />WC1E 7AE</p>
This analysis will show the likely prospects for child poverty in 2010/11 and 2020/21, and will show how child poverty could be affected by a number of changes to personal taxes, benefits and tax credits.
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Micro-simulating child poverty in 2010 and 2020


The 2008 Pre-Budget Report (PBR) said that 'the Government will take stock of progress towards its 2010 and 2020 child poverty target in the [2009] Budget'. As background to that exercise, this paper updates our previous analysis of the prospects for child poverty in the UK in 2010-11 and 2020-21.

18 February 2009