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Event graphic

IFS 2015 Spending review/autumn statement analysis

Event 26 November 2015 at 13:00 University of London, Senate House, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HU
At this event IFS researchers will present an initial assessment of the consequences for government departments, the size of spending cuts required and an analysis of any new tax and benefit changes.
Presentation graphic

School funding reform


Presented at the IFS Post-Spending Review/Autumn Statement Analysis on 26 November, 2015.

26 November 2015

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English schools will feel the pinch over the next five years


Like the NHS, day-to-day spending on schools was protected from cuts in the last parliament and the new Conservative government has announced protections for schools spending in this parliament too. However, rising costs mean that schools are likely to face real-terms cuts on spending per pupil for first time since the mid-1990s. Although the cuts are likely to be smaller than those seen across other areas of government spending, these will leave schools facing significant challenges over the next five years.

21 October 2015

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Mobility of public and private sector workers


There were large cuts to the public workforce over the last parliament during a period of fiscal consolidation. The pace of public workforce cuts is likely to accelerate over the new parliament. This Briefing Note, funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), looks at the movement between jobs, or ‘mobility’, of workers in the public and private sectors. It sets out the extent to which reductions in the public workforce to date have been delivered by freezing recruitment of new workers and not replacing workers who move to non-employment, and through more workers moving from the public sector to the private sector than moving in the other direction.

16 June 2015

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Education spending: what are the parties planning to protect?


The Liberal Democrats' manifesto highlights a commitment to protect education spending per pupil in England for 2–19 year-olds in real terms. Labour and the Conservatives have also announced protections for education spending in England. In this Observation, we analyse the implications of these different protections for how schools and education spending will evolve over the next parliament.

15 April 2015

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Schools spending


This briefing note focuses on changes in schools spending in England over time, comparing these with other areas of education spending, and examines how reforms to school funding have affected different groups of schools.

26 March 2015

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The Coalition’s record on poverty and inequality


This article was written for Coalition Economics, which is hosting a collection of contributions from leading economic experts, intended to provide critical but fair assessments of the economic policies pursued by the coalition government in the UK since May 2010.

23 March 2015

Working paper graphic

The distribution of school funding and inputs in England: 1993-2013

Working Paper

School funding per pupil increased substantially between 1999-00 and 2012-13 in England. In this paper, we decompose these increases in funding per pupil into the amount explained by quantities of different types of staff per pupil, their price and changes in non-staffing costs.

17 March 2015

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Public Sector Pay in the UK


This report focuses on trends in public sector pay and compares these with what has been happening in the private sector.

10 October 2014