Laurence O'Brien: all content

Showing 21 – 35 of 35 results

Emergency ambulance

Public spending, pay and pensions

The public sector pay settlements announced this July will pose severe budgetary challenges for many areas of government.

8 October 2022

Changing patterns of work at older ages


In this report, we provide fresh evidence on the nature of paid work at older ages, how employment patterns differ for people in different circumstances and how the situation is changing over time.

17 June 2021

Event graphic

When should people save for retirement, and how do they?

Event 11 May 2021 at 11:00 <p>Please see above for details on how to watch this event online.</p>
When should people save for retirement, given factors like earnings growth and children, and do individuals change their saving as they age in practice? What are the implications for automatic enrolment and pensions policy going forwards?
Older woman on a bench

Understanding the gender pension gap


Increasing attention is being given to the ‘gender pension gap’ – the fact that on average women have lower private pension wealth and lower income in retirement than men.

11 May 2021

Presentation graphic

When should people save for retirement, and how do they?


At this event, researchers shared findings from two new reports, examining when individuals should save for retirement – given factors like earnings growth and children – and how employees save in practice.

11 May 2021


Life-cycle patterns in pension saving


In an ongoing programme of research, we aim to examine in detail how pension saving might be expected to change over working life, and how employees and the self-employed behave in practice.

11 May 2021