Tax form

Taxes and benefits

Our work analyses impacts on inequality, poverty, the public finances, and the behaviour of workers, firms and consumers, and considers how their design could be improved. Its focus ranges from the taxation of sugary drinks to revenue-raising measures in low and middle income countries to ongoing UK benefit reforms.

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Showing 881 – 900 of 1602 results

Publication graphic

Reforming Council Tax Benefit

Council Tax Benefit provides support to 5.9 million low-income families, more than any other means-tested benefit or tax credit in the UK. This commentary looks at the implications for local councils of the government's reforms to Council Tax Benefit.

See and hear slides and audio from the launch event.

31 May 2012

Article graphic

Labour market changes unlikely to reduce inequalities


Politicians often say they want to see income inequality or poverty fall. The current fiscal climate, and the government's aim to eliminate the budget deficit mostly through spending cuts, constrain the scope for additional large-scale fiscal redistribution in the near future. It is therefore natural to ask what role labour market changes might play in the years ahead. With this in mind, work co-authored by IFS researchers and published today considers the likely impact of changes in the mix of jobs over the rest of this decade on typical measures of income poverty and income inequality.

9 May 2012

Presentation graphic

Parental investment in child nutrition


This presentation was made at a workshop held at the Institute for Fiscal Studies about resource allocation within households in March 2012.

30 March 2012