Tax form

Taxes and benefits

Our work analyses impacts on inequality, poverty, the public finances, and the behaviour of workers, firms and consumers, and considers how their design could be improved. Its focus ranges from the taxation of sugary drinks to revenue-raising measures in low and middle income countries to ongoing UK benefit reforms.

Focus on


Showing 761 – 780 of 1602 results

Article graphic

The new tax break for some married couples


The Prime Minister David Cameron has announced how the Government proposes to recognise some marriages and civil partnerships in the income tax system. From April 2015 it plans to make up to £1,000 of the income tax personal allowance transferable between adults who are married or in a civil partnership, so long as the higher-income adult is a basic-rate taxpayer. In this observation we briefly discuss this policy and its effects.

30 September 2013

Working paper graphic

Do the UK Government’s welfare reforms make work pay

Working Paper

In this paper, we use micro-simulation techniques to investigate whether financial work incentives will be stronger in 2015-16 than they were in 2010-11 and to separate out the impact of changes to taxes, benefit cuts and the introduction of universal credit from the impact of wider economic changes.

11 September 2013

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Career progression, economic downturns, and skills

Working Paper

This paper analyses the career progression of skilled and unskilled workers with a focus on how careers are affected by economic downturns and whether formal skills, acquired early on, can shield workers from the effect of recessions.

30 August 2013