
Government finances and spending

Our research covers a wide range of topics related to businesses and their investments, including firm productivity,

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Showing 521 – 540 of 2007 results

Journal graphic

The US college loans system: Lessons from Australia and England

Journal article

There is wide agreement that the US student loan system faces significant problems. Seven million borrowers are in default and many more are not repaying for reasons such as returning to school, or economic hardship. The stress of repayments faced by many students results at least in part from the design of US student loans. Specifically, loans are organised like a mortgage, with fixed monthly repayments over a fixed period of time, creating a high repayment burden on borrowers with low income. This paper draws on the experience of the income-contingent loan (ICL) systems operating in England and Australia, in which monthly or two-weekly repayments are related to the borrower's income in that period, thus building in automatic insurance against inability to repay during periods of low income.

23 July 2019

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How do other countries raise more in tax than the UK?


The UK raised 35% of national income in tax in 2018–19. Figure 1 shows that tax as a share of national income has fluctuated between around 30% and 35% of national income since the end of the second world war and been rising since the early 1990s. Tax revenues are now, just, higher as a share of national income than at any point since the late 1960s.

19 July 2019

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Should we build industrial strategy into tax design?


Tax is just one policy lever among many others, yet our tax system affects the UK’s industrial structure in many ways. We should give consideration to these effects when designing tax policy. When we deviate from tax neutrality to steer the industrial structure, three questions need to be addressed. Is there a good reason to change a market outcome? Is tax the right tool? And can we design tax solutions where benefits outweigh costs? Removing current distortions from our tax policy is often much more sensible than layering another distortion on top.

11 July 2019

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Council Funding: what's happened and what's next?


A presentation on recent trends and the outlook for local government spending. It includes a discussion of local tax devolution options, and the potential impacts of the ongoing Fair Funding Review.

10 July 2019

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A proper plan is needed for local government funding


In this article, David Phillips argues that pivotal choices loom on local government funding, but if we don’t address what we expect from our councils we risk a system that fails to meet our objectives.

8 July 2019

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We ought to worry too about those just under the pension age


This weekend the state pension age, for both men and women, rose to 65 years and five months. It will continue to rise every couple of months until it reaches 66 in October next year. Further increases to 67 in 2028 and to 68 a decade or so after that are planned. These increases are the obvious, if belated, response to a sharp growth in life span.

8 July 2019

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Business rates and land value taxation


This presentation was given at a CIOT/IFS debate on 'Taxing commercial property – time to tweak business rates or replace with a land value tax?', held in London on 18 June 2019.

18 June 2019

Working paper graphic

Why has in-work poverty risen in Britain?

Working Paper

Our new research examines the reason for the increased in-work relative poverty rate in Britain over the last 25 years, which has risen by almost 5 percentage points from 13% to 18%.

7 June 2019

English council funding: what’s happened and what’s next?


We are in the midst of major changes to local government funding – both its level and the system for raising and distributing it. This note brings together some of the key findings of our research on this topic and highlights where to find further information.

29 May 2019

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Lifetime gifting: reliefs, exemptions and behaviours


This research explored the prevalence of gifting in the general population and how it varied between different groups, based on a new quantitative survey was conducted with a representative sample of adults in Great Britain. The survey also explored the nature of gifting – including the number and value of gifts given, who they were given to, and the motivations for doing so – as well as awareness of inheritance tax rules and exemptions.

17 May 2019

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Localised council tax support schemes 6 years on


This month marks six years since councils were given responsibility for designing schemes that help low-income working-age households to pay their council tax, at the same time as central government funding for it was cut. In recently published research, we look at how schemes have changed, and with what effects.

16 April 2019

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What does the 2019 Spending Review mean for UK aid?


While the UK’s exit from the European Union continues to dominate the political and economic landscape, another important process looms: the 2019 Spending Review. This will determine how government spending is to be distributed across departments beyond 2019–20, including spending on overseas aid.

1 April 2019