Students walking in a place of education

Education and skills

Our work on Education and Skills aims to understand what matters for the healthy development of children, from infancy to young adulthood. It tracks education spending in various stages of education and assesses the effectiveness of government policies at improving children’s outcomes and inequalities therein.

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Showing 761 – 780 of 946 results

Working paper graphic

Maternal education, home environments and the development of children and adolescents

Working Paper

There is a striking increase in inequality in children's home environments over the last 50 years (McLanahan, 2004). These are measured as differences in age of mothers of young children (below 5), maternal employment, single motherhood, divorce during the first 10 years of marriage, father's involvement, and family income, for mothers with different levels of education. This trend is cause for great concern because the home environment is probably the best candidate for explaining inequality in child development.

19 September 2007

Working paper graphic

Taxation of the Family

Working Paper

This paper has been written as a review of the current tax treatment of the family in the UK.

18 June 2007

Journal graphic

Adaptations to changing times: Agency in Context

Journal article

This paper examines the role of individual agency in shaping educational and occupational transitions as well as the assumption of family-related roles in times of social change.

1 April 2007

Presentation graphic

Higher education funding


This presentation, for the IFS Public Economics Lectures series, looks at reforms to the way in which higher education is funded and what impact these reforms have on students and graduates.

19 March 2007

Book graphic

Which skills matter?

Book Chapter
In this paper, we analyse the determinants and consequences of cognitive skills and one aspect of non-cognitive skills - namely social adjustment - at ages seven and eleven, using data for Great Britain, from the national child development survey (NCDS).

1 March 2007

Publication graphic

Resources and standards in urban schools


In this paper we look at the impact of resources on pupil outcomes by considering an English education policy initiative, Excellence in Cities.

22 February 2007