Centre for the Microeconomic Analysis of Public Policy (CPP), 2015-2020

Showing 721 - 732 of 883 results

Article graphic

Fixing the UK’s alcohol taxes


Heavy drinkers have a higher social cost than other drinkers and are more responsive to changes in alcohol prices, say the Institute for Fiscal Studies. So why not raise taxes on the high-strength drinks they most often consume?

20 March 2017

Book graphic

Retirement incentives and labor supply

Book Chapter
‘Retirement Incentives and Labor Supply’ in A. Woodland and J. Piggott (eds) Handbook of the Economics of Population Aging, Chapter 1, Vol 1B, Elsevier.

17 March 2017

Journal graphic

The Brexit vote, economics, and economic policy

Journal article

Economics was front and centre during the run-up to the June 2016 referendum on the UK’s membership of the EU. Paul Johnson and Ian Mitchell discuss the economics of Brexit and lessons for the economics profession.

10 March 2017

Publication graphic

The changing educational attainment of graduate recruits to major public sector occupations


Public sector pay has been squeezed since public spending cuts began to take effect from 2011, and it looks set to be squeezed even further up to 2020. However, this comes on the back of an increase in public sector wages relative to those in the private sector during the Great Recession. There is currently significant policy interest in the extent to which continued stagnation in public sector wages will affect the ability of the public sector to recruit and retain high-quality workers, although to date little is known about the potential effects.

13 March 2017