Centre for the Microeconomic Analysis of Public Policy (CPP), 2015-2020

Showing 709 - 720 of 883 results

Journal graphic

Benefits of, and barriers to, reactivating dormant trials

Journal article

The UK should follow Ontario and reactivate its treasure trove of dormant trials to generate new science through linkage with administrative data. Many groups stand to benefit. For example, drug regulators could encourage linkage of dormant and new trials to administrative data to monitor long term safety of drugs.

14 October 2015

Publication graphic

Designing alcohol taxes: Evidence from the UK market


Governments have long used taxation to correct for the socially costly overconsumption of alcohol, but as the external cost of overconsumption varies across drinkers, a single tax rate is not optimal. This column argues that variation in preferences for different products and in price responsiveness across heavy and light drinkers provides scope to improve welfare by varying tax rates across alcohol products. The proposed framework is well suited to addressing other sources of external costs, such as obesity.

22 March 2017