ESRC Institute for the Microeconomic Analysis of Public Policy

Showing 589 - 600 of 636 results

A shock to come at the end of furlough?


The unwinding of the furlough scheme represents a step towards ‘normality’ in the labour market, but it also will mean big income losses for many of those who end up unemployed unless they are swiftly able to find alternative employment. In this observation we discuss the kind of support available for such workers via other programmes, and what sort of hit to their income they might see if they do lose their jobs.

30 June 2021

Fiscal Studies cover

Mortality Inequality in England over the Past 20 Years

Journal article

In this paper, we study the evolution of age-group- and gender-specific mortality and mortality inequality in England between 2003 and 2016, by comparing small geographic areas ranked by deprivation and grouped into bins of similar population size.

29 April 2021