

Showing 41 – 60 of 195 results

Empty wallet

The risk of pension inattention in a DC world


We shed light on the issue that ‘deferred’ pensions that people no longer contribute to might provide declining value for money over time if people do not engage with them.

1 February 2022

IFS WP2022 Managing retirement incomes

Managing retirement incomes

Working Paper
In this paper we discuss the state of the literature relating to the decumulation of retirement wealth and the management of retirement incomes.

14 January 2022

UK coins and notes

Why are pensions important?


As part of this year’s Festival of Social Science, IFS delivered a public economic talk on "Why are pensions important?" aimed at A-level and undergraduate students who have an interest in economics or might want to pursue a career in public policy research.

1 November 2021

Fiscal Studies cover

Behavioural responses to a wealth tax

Journal article

In this paper, we review the existing empirical evidence on how individuals respond to the incentives created by a net wealth tax.

25 October 2021

Fiscal Studies cover

Revenue and distributional modelling for a UK wealth tax

Journal article

In this paper, we model the revenue that could be raised from an annual and a one-off wealth tax of the design recommended by Advani, Chamberlain and Summers in the Wealth Tax Commission's Final Report (2020).

25 October 2021