Universal credit

Universal credit

Showing 41 – 50 of 50 results

Block of flats

Living standards, poverty and inequality in the UK: 2017


This report examines changes in the distribution of household incomes in the UK, and the determinants and consequences of recent trends. This includes analysing not only changes in average living standards, but also inequality in household incomes and measures of income poverty and deprivation.

19 July 2017

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A survey of the GB benefit system


This paper describes all the main benefits in the UK system, giving details of rates and allowances, as well as numbers and types of claimants and levels of expenditure.

1 November 2016

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Living standards, poverty and inequality in the UK: 2016


The focus of this report is the distribution of household income in the UK. We assess the changes to average incomes, income inequality and poverty that occurred in the latest year of data (2014–15), and put these in historical context using comparable data spanning the last 50 years.

19 July 2016

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Living Standards, Poverty and Inequality in the UK: 2016 (Chapter 4)


This report, funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, is the fifteenth in an annual series published by the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS). It analyses the HBAI statistics and digs deeper to explore the driving forces behind key trends in living standards, inequality and poverty.

14 July 2016

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Are we 'all in this together'?


There has been a lot of dispute in recent days over the extent to which “we have all been in this together” or government tax and benefit reforms have been “fair”. There are obviously many different ways of assessing this. In this observation we draw on recent IFS work to provide some assessment of what has happened to living standards across the distribution and what has been the direct effect on incomes of tax and benefit policy.

21 March 2016

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Living standards, poverty and inequality in the UK: 2015-16 to 2020-21


Official data on the distribution of household incomes in the UK are available only with a significant lag: the latest statistics are for 2013–14. In this report, we use modelling techniques to provide a more up-to-date picture and to assess how things are likely to evolve in the coming years.

2 March 2016

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The (changing) effects of universal credit

Book Chapter
The main purpose of this chapter is to set out the impacts on incomes and incentives of introducing UC, given the current (substantially revised) plans for how UC will look. We also review some of the other very important changes that will be associated with the introduction of UC, such as the regime of conditionality, and discuss its potential effects on behaviour, such as labour supply and take-up of benefits.

3 February 2016