

Showing 41 – 60 of 186 results

Empty wallet

The risk of pension inattention in a DC world


We shed light on the issue that ‘deferred’ pensions that people no longer contribute to might provide declining value for money over time if people do not engage with them.

1 February 2022

UK coins and notes

Why are pensions important?


As part of this year’s Festival of Social Science, IFS delivered a public economic talk on "Why are pensions important?" aimed at A-level and undergraduate students who have an interest in economics or might want to pursue a career in public policy research.

1 November 2021

Presentation graphic

A wealth tax to help pay for Covid? (Labour Party Conference fringe event)


Dame Angela Eagle MP and leading experts in tax discussed whether the UK should make more use of taxes on wealth. Even if the overall tax take doesn’t rise, should more be raised from wealth for distributional reasons? And, if we are to tax wealth more, should this be achieved by reforming current taxes, such as those on property, capital gains and inheritances?

28 September 2021


Why do wealthy parents have wealthy children?


At this event, IFS researchers presented the key findings from their latest report on "Why do wealthy parents have wealthy children?", funded by the Economic and Social Research Council.

8 September 2021

Journal graphic

What can we learn about automatic enrollment into pensions from small employers?

Journal article

We examine the first nationwide policy in the United Kingdom obliging small employers to enroll employees automatically into a pension. Exploiting pseudorandom variation in its introduction, we find automatic enrollment increased pension participation by 44 percentage points, reaching 70 percent — still substantially lower than the 90 percent. rate among those working for the largest employers.

21 May 2021

Presentation graphic

When should people save for retirement, and how do they?


At this event, researchers shared findings from two new reports, examining when individuals should save for retirement – given factors like earnings growth and children – and how employees save in practice.

11 May 2021


Life-cycle patterns in pension saving


In an ongoing programme of research, we aim to examine in detail how pension saving might be expected to change over working life, and how employees and the self-employed behave in practice.

11 May 2021