

Showing 61 – 80 of 318 results

Publication graphic

Brexit and the UK’s public finances


This report examines both the direct and indirect effects of Brexit on the UK’s public finances, based on a comprehensive review of studies analysing the short- and long- term economic effects of Brexit.

25 May 2016

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Workforce quality in the public sector

Event 19 February 2016 at 09:30 <p>7 Ridgmount Street<br />London<br />WC1E 7AE</p>
This workshop draws together recent innovative research on the measurement of public sector workforce quality and of the effect of pay on quality and of quality on outcomes in different parts of the public sector. The workshop will be of interest not just to economists interested in the labour market and in public finance, but also to practitioners working in the field of pay-setting, pay regulation, and public policy.
Presentation graphic

Does Starbucks pay enough tax?


This presentation was given by Rachel Griffith as the Royal Economic Society annual lecture on 24 November 2015.

18 December 2015

Presentation graphic

Capital allocation and productivity


This is the presentation that Helen Miller gave at the Understanding the Great Recession: from micro to macro conference held at the Bank of England on 23 and 24 September 2015.

28 September 2015

Presentation graphic

Earnings, Employment, Productivity and Consumption


This is the presentation that Richard Blundell gave at the Understanding the Great Recession: from micro to macro conference held at the Bank of England on 23 and 24 September 2015.

28 September 2015

Event graphic

Understanding the great recession: From micro to macro

Event 23 September 2015 at 14:30 Threadneedle Street London EC2R 8AH
IFS and the Bank of England held a conference to explore how recent developments in capital and labour markets can help to explain aggregate outcomes since the Great Recession. The conference combined microeconomic studies relevant for the UK with papers that draw lessons from other countries.
Working paper graphic

Wage regulation and the quality of police officer recruits

Working Paper

This paper analyses the impact of centrally regulated pay on the quality of applicants to be police officers in England and Wales using a unique dataset of individual test scores from the national assessment that is required of all applicants.

11 August 2015

Article graphic

The Chancellor's bet on a higher minimum wage


IFS Director Paul Johnson shares his thoughts on how raising the minimum wage could affect the UK labour market in this piece published in the Times newspaper on 21 July 2015.

22 July 2015

Presentation graphic

Public sector pay and pensions


This presentation was given at the Office for Manpower Economics' Reward in the Public Sector Research Seminar on 10th July 2015.

10 July 2015

Article graphic

Weak productivity growth is not confined to a few sectors of the economy


Productivity is currently the most talked about topic in town, and for good reason. At the end of 2014 UK productivity remained below its pre-recession level and 16% below where it would have been had the pre-recession trend continued. Looking forward, it is only productivity growth that is likely to spur increases in real wage growth and living standards. Alongside the upcoming budget, George Osborne will set out a plan for how to boost productivity. This Observation aims to provide some context for current discussions by setting out what the most recent data shows about the trajectory of productivity across different sectors of the economy.

26 June 2015