

Showing 121 – 140 of 693 results

Article graphic

New measure of poverty is not perfect but it is the least imperfect one we have


A new poverty measure combines elements of the current absolute and relative measures by comparing incomes to a rolling three-year average of median incomes. So how many people are in poverty in the UK? Just over a fifth of the population, a fraction which appears to have changed little over the past 15 years.

17 September 2018

Article graphic

How housing has divided the young


Rising house prices have not only left fewer young people able to buy a home, they have also divided them into property "haves" and "have-nots".

15 August 2018

Event graphic

Living standards, poverty and inequality in the UK: 2018

Event 20 June 2018 at 11:00 <p>Store Street, London, WC1E 7BT</p>
At this event, IFS researchers will present the key findings from the latest in the series of flagship IFS annual reports on living standards, poverty and inequality in the UK. Funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, the report will analyse living standards in the UK up to and including the latest year of data for 2016-17, while setting this in the context of the very latest developments in pay, employment and inflation.
Book graphic

Poverty among working-age adults in poor health

Book Chapter
In this chapter, we analyse how living standards differ between those with and without long-standing health problems. There are many ways in which health and living standards may interact. First, poor health may reduce an individual’s living standards as they have to spend more money on goods or services to mitigate the impact of their health condition. Second, poor health may restrict the amount of paid work that an individual may do (if they can do any at all), or restrict the type of work that they can do, reducing their earnings. Third, being on a low income may itself worsen certain health problems. Fourth, poor health and low incomes might both be caused by similar factors, such as low educational qualifications. Fifth, being unwell may directly reduce someone’s living standards in a broad sense, even if it does not affect their material standard of living. For all of these reasons, one might expect the living standards of those in poor health to be lower than those of the general population.

20 June 2018

Presentation graphic

Living standards, poverty and inequality in the UK: 2018


At this event, IFS researchers presented the key findings from the latest in the series of flagship IFS annual reports on living standards, poverty and inequality in the UK. Funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, the report analyses living standards in the UK up to and including the latest year of data for 2016-17, while setting this in the context of the very latest developments in pay, employment and inflation.

20 June 2018

Article graphic

Costs of leaving customs union will inevitably outweigh the benefits


The idea of having our own trade policy, of cutting tariffs, of signing shiny new trade agreements sounds terribly enticing. The reality, though, is boring. Get a sense of scale, throw in some simple arithmetic and sprinkle a basic understanding of trade and it is obvious that the economic costs of leaving the customs union must outweigh the benefits.

30 April 2018

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Income inequality is not rising, but seen from the middle it looks worse


Towards the end of last month, the Department for Work and Pensions published the latest version of Households Below Average Income. Not a publication with a title to set the pulse racing, perhaps, but the most thorough analysis we have of what has been happening to household incomes and inequality. This version brings the story up to the end of the 2016-17 financial year.

4 April 2018

Journal graphic

Estimating household resource shares: A shrinkage approach

Journal article

Collective models identifying resource shares are promising tools to analyze intra-household welfare and poverty. However, their empirical application has proven difficult in practice as authors contend with large standard errors and unstable estimates. This paper uses a prominent framework to show how a common feature of the structure of these models makes the task so difficult and proposes an empirical strategy to stabilize the estimates.

7 March 2018

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Poverty and low pay in the UK: the state of play and the challenges ahead


The nature of low income in the UK has changed radically. The problem of low pay for those in work is increasingly dominating the domestic policy agenda. To mark the end of a programme of research funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, we are setting out and discussing the latest evidence on poverty in the UK and in particular the challenges posed by the rise of in-work poverty. This observation summarises the key points.

6 March 2018

Presentation graphic

Incomes in low paid employment


This presentation was given at an event on 6 March held to present the highlights from a programme of IFS research, supported by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, on poverty and low income.

6 March 2018