Low and middle income countries

Low and middle income countries

Showing 101 – 120 of 322 results

How tax officials in lower-income countries can respond to the coronavirus pandemic


The coronavirus pandemic is a public health crisis and global economic shock increasingly affecting lower-income countries around the world – external finance from international institutions and development partners can help plug financing gaps, but may become stretched as many countries around the world seek assistance.

6 April 2020

Challenges of adopting coronavirus precautions in low-income countries


With no vaccination available, scientists recommend non-pharmaceutical interventions – in particular, handwashing, social distancing, and the shielding of elderly and vulnerable groups – as the only feasible way of suppressing the spread of COVID-19, and lessening its mortality rate. Such measures, when extensively and strictly enforced, appear to have been effective in stemming the spread of the virus in South Korea and China, and there are promising early signs of their effectiveness in Italy too.

30 March 2020

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A discrete choice model for partially ordered alternatives

Working Paper

In this paper we analyze a discrete choice model for partially ordered alternatives. The alternatives are differentiated along two dimensions, the first an unordered “horizontal” dimension, and the second an ordered “vertical” dimension.

18 November 2019

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Preschool quality and child development

Working Paper

Global access to preschool has increased dramatically yet preschool quality is often poor. We use a randomized controlled trial to evaluate two approaches to improving the quality of Colombian preschools.

23 September 2019

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Promoting Adolescent Engagement, Knowledge and Health (PAnKH) in Rajasthan, India


This study is among the first to rigorously demonstrate potential of life skills interventions to change key outcomes of adolescent girls living in contexts where girls and women continue to be caught in a vicious cycle of low levels of human capital, low labour force participation rate, low wages, low bargaining power within the household, early marriage and high fertility.

28 August 2019

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Taxation and Supplier Networks: Evidence from India

Working Paper

Do tax systems distort firm-to-firm trade? Using data from both firms that do and don’t pay VAT in West Bengal in India, this paper shows that they can have significant effects, contributing to highly segmented supply chain networks.

20 August 2019