

Showing 521 – 540 of 718 results

Publication graphic

Baseline report: Sustainable Total Sanitation - Nigeria


This report, written in collaboration with Indepth Precision Consulting, Nigeria, presents a detailed description of the baseline data collected as part of the Formal Research Component of WaterAid UK's Project “Sustainable Total Sanitation Nigeria -implementation, learning, research, and influence on practice and policy" (STS Nigeria), funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

20 August 2015

Journal graphic

Life Course Pathways to Later Life Wellbeing: A Comparative Study of the Role of Socio-Economic Position in England and the U.S.

Journal article

The influence of early life, accumulation and social mobility on wellbeing in later life in the U.S. and England is investigated. Using cross-sectional data from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS) and the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA), we estimate multivariate regressions of hedonic and eudemonic measures of wellbeing on these life course mechanisms, controlling for age, gender, ethnic background, partnership status, health and wealth. On the level of the life course mechanisms, there is mixed evidence regarding the critical impact of early life, strong evidence for an association between accumulation and eudemonic wellbeing and a moderate negative effect of downward social mobility. While the relation between hedonic wellbeing and life course mechanisms is unclear or in a different direction than anticipated, eudemonic wellbeing is clearly related to accumulation and mobility in both countries and to early life in the U.S. On the societal level, the major observation is that the life course has a larger influence in the U.S. than in England.

10 July 2015

Working paper graphic

Sanitation dynamics: toilet acquisition and its economic and social implications

Working Paper

The authors use primary data collected in both rural and urban contexts in two states of India to understand determinants of toilet ownership and acquisition and subsequently to analyse the acquisition of toilets in the context of an intervention that alleviated one of the major constraints to acquisition - financial resources.

9 June 2015

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The outlook for public spending on the NHS

Journal article

This article, commissioned and published by The Lancet, considers the rising demand and cost pressures for the NHS and how these might be addressed under the parties’ plans for public spending over the next few years.

27 March 2015

Publication graphic

Child development and policy interventions in developing countries


Early childhood is a period of rapid growth and development, which lays the foundations for later life, but it is also a period in which children are at their most vulnerable. Poverty, poor nutrition and under-stimulating and unhygienic surroundings, which affect millions of children in developing countries, hamper and stifle child health and development.

12 December 2014

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Does GP Practice Size Matter? The relationship between GP practice size and the quality of health care


This week the Care Quality Commission (CQC) published comparable information on all GP surgeries in England for the first time, with the aim of identifying which practices should be prioritised for newly introduced inspections. Understanding whether, and why, some GP practices fail to provide quality care is important given the vital role that GPs play within the NHS. In recent years, there have been substantial changes to the organisation of GP practices, with a shift away from single-handed practices towards practices with six or more full time equivalent GPs. A new IFS report published today finds that small, and in particular single-handed, GP practices are more likely to provide poorer quality care than larger GP practices, as measured along a number of dimensions. This suggests that the trend towards larger practice sizes may have had beneficial effects on the overall quality of primary care provided.

20 November 2014