

Showing 81 – 100 of 277 results

Empty wallet

The risk of pension inattention in a DC world


We shed light on the issue that ‘deferred’ pensions that people no longer contribute to might provide declining value for money over time if people do not engage with them.

1 February 2022

Busy office

Women and men at work

We look at the differences between men and women in all activities that can be labelled as ‘work’.

6 December 2021

Presentation graphic

The curse of graduating during a recession


This lecture will cover what we learned from the last big economic crisis in 2008, and what it can teach us about the prospects for people graduating during Covid.

15 November 2021

Event graphic

IFS Green Budget 2021

Event 12 October 2021 at 10:30 Please see above for details on how to watch this event online.
The IFS Green Budget 2021, in association with Citi and with funding from the Nuffield Foundation, will analyse the ongoing impacts of the pandemic, its economic legacy, and the big decisions confronting Chancellor Rishi Sunak as he prepares for his upcoming Budget and Spending Review.
Big Ben

IFS Green Budget 2021


The IFS Green Budget looks at the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, as the Chancellor aims to secure a lasting recovery and deliver on the Government’s other objectives and priorities.

12 October 2021

Employment and the end of the furlough scheme

Book Chapter
The government’s furlough scheme ended on 30 September. In many ways it has been very successful, albeit at a cost of almost £70 billion so far. While unemployment has risen and employment fallen since the start of the pandemic, the changes are nowhere near as dramatic as the falls in national income. As the furlough scheme comes to an end, a number of labour market challenges remain. We examine these challenges in detail and draw out key lessons for policymakers.

30 September 2021

Presentation graphic

Jobs for all? What happens when the furlough scheme ends


At this IFS briefing we looked at the latest vacancies data and recent labour market trends to identify the types of workers who might find difficulty in finding suitable employment once the furlough scheme ends, and we also discussed the challenges facing the labour market in the coming months.

30 September 2021