A crowded street

Working papers

Our IFS working paper series publishes academic papers by staff and IFS associates.

Working papers: all content

Showing 1401 – 1420 of 1819 results

Working paper graphic

Dynamic models for policy evaluation

Working Paper

In this paper we show how experimental data from field trials can be used to enhance the evaluation of interventions and we also illustrate the potential importance of allowing for longer term incentive and General Equilibrium effects.

29 March 2006

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The effect of pre-primary education on primary school performance

Working Paper

Although the theoretical case for universal pre-primary education is strong, the empirical foundation is weak. In this paper, we contribute to the empirical case by investigating the effect of a large expansion of universal pre-primary education on subsequent primary school performance in Argentina.

22 March 2006

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Bayesian quantile regression

Working Paper

Recent work by Schennach has opened the way to a Bayesian treatment of quantile regression.

23 February 2006

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A note on bootstraps and robustness

Working Paper

In this note we consider several versions of the bootstrap and argue that it is helpful in explaining and thinking about such procedures to use an explicit representation of the random resampling process.

23 February 2006

Working paper graphic

Identification with excess heterogeneity

Working Paper

An outcome is determined by a structural function in which theeect of variables of interest is transmitted through a scalar function of those vari-ables - an index. Multiple sources of stochastic variation are permitted to appear asarguments of the structural function, but not as arguments of the index. Conditionsare provided under which there is local identi?cation of ratios of partial derivativesof the index.

9 December 2005