A crowded street

Working papers

Our IFS working paper series publishes academic papers by staff and IFS associates.

Working papers: all content

Showing 1381 – 1400 of 1819 results

Working paper graphic

Career progression and formal versus on-the-job training

Working Paper

We develop a dynamic discrete choice model of training choice, employment and wage growth, allowing for job mobility, in a world where wages depend on firm-worker matches, as well as experience and tenure and jobs take time to locate.

8 August 2006

Working paper graphic

The long-term impact of French settlement on education in Algeria

Working Paper

This paper exploits substantial regional variations in the non-Muslims proportion of the population on the eve of the war of independence (1954) in Algeria to evaluate the long term impact of colonial discrimination in public goods allocation on education levels.

5 August 2006

Working paper graphic

Identification and estimation of latent attitudes and their behavioral implications

Working Paper

This paper formalizes conditions under which a population distribution ofcategorical responses to attitudinal questions (items) has a scale representation; developstests for whether a particular sample of item responses is consistent with a scale representation; develops methods for nonparametrically estimating the relation between an outcome and a scale value; and generalizes the foregoing to the multi-scale case.

23 June 2006

Working paper graphic

Asymptotic properties for a class of partially identified models

Working Paper

We propose inference procedures for partially identified population features for which the population identification region can be written as a transformation of the Aumann expectation of a properly defined set valued random variable (SVRV).

9 June 2006