A crowded street

Working papers

Our IFS working paper series publishes academic papers by staff and IFS associates.

Working papers: all content

Showing 901 – 920 of 1819 results

Working paper graphic

Covariate selection and model averaging in semiparametric estimation of treatment effects

Working Paper

In the practice of program evaluation, choosing the covariates and the functional form of the propensity score is an important choice for estimating treatment effects. This paper proposes data-driven model selection and model averaging procedures that address this issue for the propensity score weighting estimation of the average treatment effects for treated (ATT).

2 December 2013

Working paper graphic

A weak instrument F-test in linear IV models with multiple endogenous variables

Working Paper

We consider testing for weak instruments in a model with multiple endogenous variables. Unlike Stock and Yogo (2005), who considered a weak instruments problem where the rank of the matrix of reduced form parameters is near zero, here we consider a weak instruments problem of a near rank reduction of one in the matrix of reduced form parameters.

13 November 2013

Working paper graphic

Program evaluation with high-dimensional data

Working Paper

We consider estimation of policy relevant treatment effects in a data-rich environment where there may be many more control variables available than there are observations.

12 November 2013

Working paper graphic

Efficient responses to targeted cash transfers

Working Paper

In this paper, we estimate a collective model of household consumption and test the restrictions of collective rationality using z-conditional demands in the context of a large Conditional Cash Transfer programme in rural Mexico.

25 October 2013