A crowded street

Working papers

Our IFS working paper series publishes academic papers by staff and IFS associates.

Working papers: all content

Showing 821 – 840 of 1819 results

Working paper graphic

House prices, wealth effects and labor supply

Working Paper

This paper examines the impact of housing wealth on labor supply decisions using data on exogenous local variation in house prices merged into household panel data for Britain.

7 October 2014

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Economic theory and forecasting: lessons from the literature

Working Paper

This article aims to provide some insight into the question by drawing lessons from the literature. The definition of "economic theory" includes a broad range of examples, such as accounting identities, disaggregation and spatial restrictions when forecasting aggregate variables, cointegration and forecasting with Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) models.

24 September 2014

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Recombinant innovation and the boundaries of the firm

Working Paper

This paper uses comprehensive patent data from the European Patent Office and a multiple spells duration model to provide estimates that suggest that the impact of market frictions are substantial.

16 September 2014

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Nonparametric identification of positive eigenfunctions

Working Paper

This paper provides identifi cation conditions for positive eigenfunctions in nonparametric models. Identifi cation is achieved if the operator satisfi es two mild positivity conditions and a power compactness condition.

4 September 2014

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Inference in Ordered Response Games with Complete Information

Working Paper

This paper studies econometric models of complete information games with ordered action spaces, such as the number of store fronts operated in a market by a rm, or the daily number of flights on a city-pair off ered by an airline.

4 September 2014

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A Test for Instrument Validity

Working Paper

This paper develops a specification test for instrument validity in the heterogeneous treatment effect model with a binary treatment and a discrete instrument.

19 August 2014

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Program evaluation with high-dimensional data

Working Paper

In this paper, the authors consider estimation of general modern moment-condition problems in econometrics in a data-rich environment where there may be many more control variables available than there are observations.

14 August 2014

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From Me to You? How the UK State Pension System Redistributes

Working Paper

In this paper, we use detailed data on households’ histories of employment, earnings and contributions to the National Insurance (NI) system to examine the degree of intragenerational redistribution achieved by the UK state pension system for the cohort born in the 1930s.

6 August 2014