A crowded street

Working papers

Our IFS working paper series publishes academic papers by staff and IFS associates.

Working papers: all content

Showing 801 – 820 of 1819 results

Working paper graphic

Testing many moment inequalities

Working Paper

This paper considers the problem of testing many moment inequalities where the number of moment inequalities, denoted by p, is possibly much larger than the sample size n.

31 December 2014

Working paper graphic

Central limit theorems and bootstrap in high dimensions

Working Paper

In this paper, we derive central limit and bootstrap theorems for probabilities that centered high-dimensional vector sums hit rectangles and sparsely convex sets. Sparsely convex sets are sets that can be represented as intersections of many convex sets whose indicator functions depend nontrivially only on a small subset of their arguments, with rectangles being a special case.

31 December 2014

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Vector quantile regression

Working Paper

The authors propose a notion of conditional vector quantile function and a vector quantile regression.

31 December 2014

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Empirical methods for networks data: social effects, network formation and measurement error

Working Paper

This paper reviews the literature studying econometric methods for the analysis of social networks. It begins by discussing identification of models of social effects using observational and experimental data, before outlining models of network formation. Finally, it discusses how one might collect data on networks, and the measurement error issues caused by sampling of networks, as well as measurement error more broadly.

19 December 2014

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Inference about Non-Identified SVARs

Working Paper

We propose a method for conducting inference on impulse responses in structural vector autoregressions (SVARs) when the impulse response is not point identified because the number of equality restrictions one can credibly impose is not sufficient for point identification and/or one imposes sign restrictions.

26 November 2014