A crowded street

Working papers

Our IFS working paper series publishes academic papers by staff and IFS associates.

Working papers: all content

Showing 281 – 300 of 1819 results

Working paper graphic

Macroeconomic conditions and health in Britain: aggregation, dynamics and local area heterogeneity

Working Paper

Whether population health improves or worsens with changes in macroeconomic conditions is a long-standing question. Despite a substantial literature there is no clear consensus on the answer. Some studies find evidence that recessions are good for population health (i.e. poor health is pro-cyclical), while other studies find that health worsens in response to bad economic times (i.e. poor health is counter-cyclical). In addition, results for various health outcomes differ.

14 April 2020

Working paper graphic

When will the Covid-19 pandemic peak?

Working Paper

We carry out some analysis of the daily data on the number of new cases and number of new deaths by (191) countries as reported to the European CDC.

6 April 2020

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Structural modeling of simultaneous discrete choice

Working Paper

Models of simultaneous discrete choice may be incomplete, delivering multiple values of outcomes at certain values of the latent variables and co-variates, and incoherent, delivering no values.

20 February 2020