Luke Sibieta: all content

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Publication graphic

Level playing field? The implications of school funding


This report examines how overall levels of public spending on education and schools in the UK have evolved in recent years, how the English school funding system allocates money to individual schools and the extent to which the school funding system is redistributive.

10 June 2008

Presentation graphic

Recent trends in poverty


This presentation was delivered at the IFS Briefing "Poverty and Inequality in the UK: 2007" on 28th March 2007.

28 March 2007

Presentation graphic

Inequality and poverty


This presentation, for the IFS Public Economics Lectures series, considers what has happened to inequality and poverty in Great Britain over the past 25 years.

19 March 2007

Event graphic

Poverty and Inequality in Great Britain: 2006

Event 13 March 2006 at 10:00 <p>7 Ridgmount Street<br />London<br />WC1E 7AE</p>
The Government's latest figures on the distribution of income and the extent of relative poverty in Britain will be released by the Department for Work and Pensions on Thursday 9th March. These figures will also tell us whether the Government met its target for child poverty to have fallen by a quarter since 1998/9. The IFS will be releasing a detailed analysis of the latest figures and recent trends, which will be presented on Monday 13th March.