Professor Sir James Mirrlees: all content

    Showing 1 – 10 of 10 results

    HMRC letter

    Mirrlees Review of tax system published

    Press Release
    In the deepest and most far reaching analysis of the UK tax system in more than 30 years, the Mirrlees Review puts the case for radical tax reform.

    14 September 2011


    Tax by design

    Tax by Design presents a picture of coherent tax reform whose aim is to identify the characteristics of a good tax system.

    13 September 2011

    Busy lecture hall

    Mirrlees Review launch of findings

    Event 10 November 2010 at 09:30 University of London, Senate House, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HU
    On Wednesday 10 November we will launch the findings of the Mirrlees Review.
    Presentation graphic

    Tax by design: overview


    This presentation was delivered at the Mirrlees Review launch of findings, 10 November 2010.

    10 November 2010

    Presentation graphic

    Taxing by design


    This presentation was delivered as part of an invited session at the 10th World Congress of the Econometric Society in Shanghai.

    18 August 2010

    Publication graphic

    The base of direct taxation


    This draft paper forms part of the Mirrlees Review and was presented at the IFS Residential Conference 2007.

    20 April 2007