On Wednesday 10 November we will launch the the findings of the Mirrlees Review.
The Review set out to identify the characteristics of a good tax system for the 21st century, to assess the extent to which the UK tax system conforms to those ideals, and to recommend how it might realistically be reformed in that direction. It has been carried out by a group of top experts under the chairmanship of Nobel laureate Sir James Mirrlees.
The Review is being published by Oxford University Press in two volumes. The first, Dimensions of Tax Design, consists of a set of specially commissioned chapters dealing with different aspects of the tax system, accompanied by commentaries by different expert authors, voicing differing opinions on the issue discussed. The second volume, Tax by Design, presents the conclusions of the Review, setting out principles for tax policy and a direction of reform for the UK tax system. More information can be found on the Review website.
At the launch Sir James Mirrlees will set out the main conclusions of the Review. Other members of the editorial team will describe the policy implications in more depth and go on to discuss four key themes: earnings taxation, indirect taxation, taxation of savings and corporate taxation. Time will be available for discussion.
A pamphlet with the main conclusions will be published and distributed at the launch and all Tax by Design chapters will be available as pre-publication drafts on the Review website. Oxford University Press will publish Tax by Design early in 2011.
Registration will take place between 09.00 and 09.30 and we expect to conclude by 13.00, followed by a sandwich lunch and the opportunity to talk to key members of the Review Editorial team.